Main page/ The gastronomic code of kazakh culture / "Food/meal" as a phenomenon of national culture /SARQYT




The sacralization of food among Kazakhs is expressed in the tradition of “sarqyt” – the collection of food from dastarkhan (essentially leftovers) by guests. In solemn cases carries the meaning of “zhūğysty bolsyn” – rudiment of archaic magic of reception. Such a unique contact with success, celebration is associated with the projection of these positive to themselves, to their own family. In the people before believed that feeding children food / meal of famous batyr, akyn, wrestlers or successful people in the future will help the adoption of the best qualities and talents inherent to these legendary people.

In turn, the sarqyt in the funeral ritual carries the meaning of the term “tie bersin” (may the best come out of it). It is believed that the more people eat from this dastarkhan, the better off the deceased will be. On the other hand, collecting and distributing the food after a meal is understood as “ysyrap qylmau” (to prevent the enlightened food from being lost).

Шайгозова Ж.Н., Наурзбаева А. Б.
Краткая энциклопедия знаков и символов казахской культуры.
Алматы: КазНИИК, 2023.